One method to reduce noise in audio system involves how cables and wires are bundled together. Never bundle audio cables with power cables; bundle power cables separately. Also, keep the audio and power wiring cables separated by at least 6 to 12 inches to avoid noise coupling into the audio cables. Lastly, keep audio output cables from the power amplifier to the loudspeakers as far away as possible from e rach other to minimize coupling or high frequency feedback (which could be supersonic and not heard but could damage sensitive audio gear.
In the event that signal cables must cross pathways with power and/or output cables, they should be done so at 90 degree angles. This will minimize the fields created by one set of cables from coupling into the other set of cables, especially true with power and speaker cables. Secure the crossed pathway with tie wraps holding the cables in place orthogonally.
These suggestions are especially true in recording studios where the highest level of audio performance is expected.
In the event that signal cables must cross pathways with power and/or output cables, they should be done so at 90 degree angles. This will minimize the fields created by one set of cables from coupling into the other set of cables, especially true with power and speaker cables. Secure the crossed pathway with tie wraps holding the cables in place orthogonally.
These suggestions are especially true in recording studios where the highest level of audio performance is expected.