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Auto (volume) Leveling

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  • Auto (volume) Leveling

    Auto Leveling

    Match Volumes of Numerous Wave Files with Auto Leveling

    The Auto Leveling routine is contained only in the Batch Editor which is found under the Filter Menu. It allows you to make .wav files sound very similar in loudness across a number of files. It performs this function by calculating a combination of the RMS and Peak values of each of the files and normalizing them while accounting for both parameters and assuring that none of the .wav files overload. This functionality is quite different compared to the Gain Normalize feature in which a single file is normalized in gain with respect to its own peak value. The Auto Leveling routine has no specific controls unto itself. It uses the generic controls associated with the Batch Editor. To operate the Auto Leveling feature, highlight the Auto Leveling Icon. Then merely use the “Add Files” feature in the Batch Editor to list the files of interest by placing them in the “Files to Run this Filter On” listing box. Lastly, click on the “Run Batch” button. The resultant processed .wav files will be found to be very similar in overall loudness from one file to the next.
    "Who put orange juice in my orange juice?" - - - William Claude Dukenfield