Shuffle Play
Shuffle Play is a form of random access to the selections presented to you in the DC Tune Library spreadsheet display area. Instead of playing the files in order, the system randomly advances through the listing. After a file (tune) has been played, it will be omitted from the selection process for the next round of random selection. Thus, no tune will be played more than once during a “Shuffle Play” session. This feature is located just to the right of the play progress bar and its icon looks something like the letter “X” but with arrows pointing towards its right hand side. To activate this mode, click your mouse on the icon. When it is in its active state, it will present itself in two shades of green. When it is inactive, it will present itself in two shades of grey. Each time this feature is enabled on a listing (even if the listing is the same as a previous listing) the files will be played in a different (pseudo) random sequence.