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Lost Files

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  • Lost Files

    I am using DCART 3.12. Every once in a while I will not be able to save a file. Most recently I did a mono to stereo conversion, followed by a make destination the source then did some manual declicking. When I went to save the file I got a message saying something about not able to find the file. I tried many ways to save this file including other file conversions. I could pocess the file any way imaginable, but could not save it. I finally gave up.I believe there was a bug in earlier 3.x versions but I thought 3.12 fixed it.
    Any suggestions on a save strategy that will avoid a repeat, some sequence of operations that will make sure I save without having saving a new file after every manual declick step?

  • #2
    Re: Lost Files

    There is no need to save files in DCart32 unless you want to rename it or it is a temporary destination file.

    DCart32 operates directly on the source or destination file. The file is always up to date. The only time you need to save a file is when you have created a new destination file and it has not been saved yet. Even then you are really just renamming the temporary file to a new name.

    If you open a source file, or do a "make destination the source" operation, then do some manual interpolating on it, you can just close the source file, it is up to date.

    The problem comes when you want to perform a "Save" operation on the file you are working on. This is really a do nothing operation, since the file is already saved. BUT there are some conditions where it tries to reanme the old file as the new file and gets confused because the names are the same. I think that even on 3.12 there are some situations where this can still be a problem.


