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Tell us your wish list of new features.

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  • Tell us your wish list of new features.

    It would be great to have a feature that would append a sequence of wave files together. Sort of a reverse "chop" function.

    Sometimes I like to chop a live recording into pieces, like only the songs and not the dead space. Then I would like to thread the keepers back together into one file for further collective processing.

    Copy and paste by hand is kind of slow and error prone. The new function shouldn't be too hard to write code for and could use the batch function to setup the list of files to append.

  • #2
    Re: Tell us your wish list of new features.

    I'd like to see a "volume leveler" function like in musicmatch. I don't mean simply using a batch run through an equilizer.


    • #3
      Re: Tell us your wish list of new features.

      Spunky, how would that be different from our gain normalize function?
      "Who put orange juice in my orange juice?" - - - William Claude Dukenfield


      • #4
        Re: Tell us your wish list of new features.

        The "reverse Chop File" would be nice.

        Also, a few more slots for the paragraphic eq. Trying to do the "blind de-convolution" sometimes is a bit tricky with only 10 max.

        Automating blind de-conv. would be great.

        Maybe Spunky means a "Gain Normalize" across a set of files. For example when you get ready to burn a CD, you can use G.N. to normalize each file separately, which is ok if it is a set of separate recordings, but if you are transferring a concert that has been chopped into pieces, you can sometimes get slightly noticeable differences in levels moving from one song to the next because each song is normalized instead of across the whole range of files.

        Dan McDonald
        Dan McDonald


        • #5
          Re: Tell us your wish list of new features.

          Dan, now I understand. Thanks.
          "Who put orange juice in my orange juice?" - - - William Claude Dukenfield


          • #6
            Re: Tell us your wish list of new features.

            Now that I think about it, if you could combine the idea of "reverse chop" and gain normalize, that would be excellent. Sometimes particular songs, etc. are quiet and you really need to normalize the song independent of the songs next to it. The problem comes in when there is audience noise, tuning, etc. between songs. If you could have an option kind of like the "interpolate" feature that interpolated the levels at the end of one piece with those at the beginning of the other piece, that would be most useful. This would be in a list of songs, etc. so that you could arrange them in order, and the software would take a few seconds at the end of one and interpolate that with the few seconds at the beginning of the next one in the sequence. Then, you could either choose to combine the files into one or leave as separate pieces for "glitchless indexing."

            Dan McDonald

            [This message has been edited by Dan McDonald (edited 01-28-2002).]
            Dan McDonald


            • #7
              Re: Tell us your wish list of new features.

              Since I use the right-click feature on the mouse, my wish-list would be to see the "undo" function as a right-click feature.




              • #8
                Re: Tell us your wish list of new features.

                Some features that I'd personally value, not in order, are:

                1. A jog bar for easy previewing and cueing to a desired spot in a file (.5x, 2x, and 4x playback, reverse).

                2. Facility to do destructive filtering/effects on selected portions of files (such as the way Gain Change works) to quicken and simplify the procedure of appling a filter to a section of a file.

                2a. If this is possible, then the further ability to do this on only one channel at a time would also be a great convenience. Especially since paste/interpolate does not work well if there's a time delay between the channels.

                3. A more in-depth explanation of the adaptive filter for the manual.

                4. Conversely to Dan's gain normalize suggestion, which is a good one, it would be nice if where one has a long file that has multiple "cuts" on it (radio program, continuous "mix tape") you could drop markers and gain normalize each section, avoiding having to break the file into pieces to get the levels consistent from song to song.

                This could be useful for other filters as well. For example, in restoring mixed music and spoken word programs, I've found that reverb can benefit the musical portions but sound silly on the spoken commentary. Likewise, the CNF can be applied more aggressively to the commentary portions, where preserving highs is less important and filter breathing and the noise floor is more exposed, than the music portions. Same goes for more easily being able to apply impulse filters selectively to certain areas of a record (e.g., fairly clean vinyl with a scratch across just a few grooves or opening groove rice crispies from prior cueing).

                5. A limiter that works while recording to the hard drive so that one can use higher average level/more bits when the source has occasional loud transients.

                6. Anything you figure out to speed up the processing time for cutting sections from large files. Perhaps it's possible to just leave a hole or some sort of mark and then perform the processing after all of the edits are finished, so one only has to wait for the computer to churn one time (like the way you can turn off automatic recalculation on a speadsheet until you've put in all of your new variables)?

                [This message has been edited by Beautman (edited 01-29-2002).]


                • #9
                  Re: Tell us your wish list of new features.

                  I like Beautman's ideas also, especially the "filter one channel at at time" one. It takes quite a bit of time to work by splitting and re-combining files. You can do the selective section filtering now by making copies of files and opening them as destination files, but it would be nice not to have to have so many copies of files.

                  Dan McDonald
                  Dan McDonald


                  • #10
                    Re: Tell us your wish list of new features.

                    We are implementing a feature that lets you select left only, right only or both channels for any filter operation. It should make this operation much easier than splitting and recombining files.

                    One Question: if we can do filtering on left or right individual channels, is a split stereo to 2 mono files, and re-combine 2 mono files to stereo a usefull feature?

                    Rick Carlson


                    • #11
                      Re: Tell us your wish list of new features.

                      For me, the more flexibility, the better, so if it's not too much trouble, I'd appreciate having the ability to split into 2 mono files and to recombine into stereo. Even if you can process the channels independently, there may be circumstances where you'd want to do that. For example, I do a lot of l-r processing using the noise for the right channel; with the ability to split and combine easily, that would be a lot faster.

                      Thanks for all the good improvements.

                      Dan McDonald
                      Dan McDonald


                      • #12
                        Re: Tell us your wish list of new features.

                        For my purposes, I doubt I'd miss split & re-combine.


                        • #13
                          Re: Tell us your wish list of new features.

                          Maybe my uses are more offbeat; If no split and recombine, the possibility of subtracting one file from another would be useful - l - l and r - r.

                          Dan McDonald
                          Dan McDonald


                          • #14
                            Re: Tell us your wish list of new features.

                            The previous suggestions pretty much cover what I was thinking with one exception (and the insignificance of this says how awesome the program is), could you please fix it so the clock display returns to where it was when the program was closed? It opens up in the same place every time and I have to move it back to where I had it last time.
                            Thanks, Dick


                            • #15
                              Re: Tell us your wish list of new features.

                              Here's one:
                              When you do a batch job, when you pick what directory to put the result in, it doesn't give you the option of a new directory. Could that be done?
                              Also right now, if you don' minimize DCArt and go create a directory before you run it, when you run the batch, it asks you if you want to overwrite the files; if you say no, then it doesn't give you the option of calling the new files by a new name or automatically numbering them, it just terminates. Could that be fixed also?


                              Dan McDonald

