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Label Markers

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  • Label Markers

    When I Label a marker, should I put the track number in front of the marker name, ie: "04. You Ain't Had The Blues"? The reason I ask this question is, if I just type the track name, when I transfer to my Library, it seems they will be in alphabetical order rather than track number order. I name my markers, starting with "01" at the beginning of the first track, with the next being "02", etc.

    Then, I go back and click on the 1st marker (it turns black);then, I click on "Label Marker". I type "01" in the Marker Number, and type the track name in the "Label for a Marker". For some reason, The system changes marker "02". Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

    This has me a little perplexed, because I need the Track Number in a seperate column, and the Track Name in another column, in my library, for sorting purposes.

    Any suggestions?
    Last edited by Craig Maier; 07-05-2020, 05:09 PM.

  • #2
    Are you using Version 8.13 or 8.03? There were some bugs fixed in the marker label area.


    • #3

      I am using 8.10. How do I upgrade?


      • #4

        That upgrade is free. Just download the demo version of the shipping version of DC8, which should be 8.13. Uninstall the version that you have before re-installing the newer version. It will automatically pick up your user information like User Name, Serial Number and registration code.

        Goto to find this.

        "Who put orange juice in my orange juice?" - - - William Claude Dukenfield


        • #5

          I have uninstalled 8.10 two times, and downloaded Diamond Cut Forensics8 Audio Laboratory two times, and I still show 8.1 on my system.

          Am I downloading the correct software?



          • #6
            I see what I've done, I didn't go down far enough. I see 8.13 is below Diamond Cut Forensics8 Audio Laboratory. I'll try again and let you know if it works.



            • #7
              Now I have 8.13 installed on my system; however, I still have the Label Markers problem.

              When I click on marker "01" it turns black. When I right click on the black marker, I get the Label Marker pop-up. I change Marker Number "0" to "01"; then, I go down and delete "01", and change it to the Track Title "Turtle Talk", and the marker does not change in the wave file.

              Why, when I click on the marker "01" (assigned by the program), does the pop-up show marker "0"?

              What am I doing wrong?


              • #8
                I am still a bit confused but I think I see what is confusing you here.

                In the "label marker" dialog box there are two fields "Marker number" and the Marker Label field.
                The "Marker number" field selects which marker you are going to change. It starts at zero "0" as the first marker in the file. It is not something that you enter as a value to select the marker.
                So to label your first track as "Turtle Talk" you would select marker "0" and change that label.
                Markers are automatically renumberd so that marker number zero is the first one (in time order) in the file.

                Initally, when you first add a marker, it will have a label that starts at "01", but this is actually marker number "0", which is probably what is confusing you.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	markers.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	20.6 KB
ID:	42580
                Last edited by rickc; 01-12-2013, 06:07 PM.


                • #9
                  What's giving me my problem: When I start out with marker "01", the program skips the zero, and makes the next marker "03" (the beginning of an incorrect track). It skips over the zero.

                  I am trying to use Diamond Exclusively, and not transfer the file to another program to insert the Markers, I add 1 sec. silence before and after the marker. Then I can burn my CD's with no problem.

                  I really like the Diamond Cut Marker function better, because it adds the Marker and automatically adds the 2 sec, needed for indexing.

                  Have I made this too confusing for you; or do you understand my problem? It's probably too dificult to reorient the Forensisc to use the "01", as a zero point... Another problem I have, when I Label the Marker, the Label covers the Marker; and, when I automatically Renumber the Markers, the last marker "End", never seems to be the correct last Marker. In this particular file, I have 12 Tracks, and the "End" should show as "13"; sometimes it will go as high as "22", and I can't see the markers, to figure out how to correct them.

                  Until we can fix this, I will have to transfer to my other program for Spacing, Marking and Burning. If you can make a fix under the Preferences, it would be good to move it up to the top of your "too do" list; based on Dan's comment, I think he has come up with a "workaround", that I can't quite figure out.


                  • #10
                    I had a few email exchanges with Rignmaster to try to get to the bottom of this issue.
                    It looks like this problem was caused by two markers being placed on top of each other. So when the re-number marker function was used, marker 02 was underneath marker 03, and therefore not visible. Without actually movng marker 3, it would be difficut to tell that this happened.

